
Fran Mazzarella

Sr. Real Estate Developer

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Humble, loyal, and compassionate, Fran keeps an open mind and is sensitive to the needs of the clients she serves.

She enjoys getting to know the families she works with at CIL, paying close attention to the individual needs and special circumstances of each individual. Fran supervises several State of Connecticut programs on behalf of CIL, applying for grants, subsidies, and loans to provide access to high-quality, long-term care options for people with disabilities.  

On staff since 1986, Fran administers the AccesSolutions program for CIL, providing home modifications and specialized equipment, such as ramps, lifts, motion control sensors, and widened doorways to comfortably meet the needs of people with disabilities. She is always putting herself in the shoes of others, remaining sensitive to what people may be going through in her work. A certified Aerobics and Fitness Association of America and Les Mils instructor, she is passionate about exercise.