CIL Golf 2025


Let's Tee Off in Paradise at CIL's Annual Golf Tournament!


When & Where:
Wednesday, June 4, 2025

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Stanley Golf Course

245 Hartford Rd
New Britain, CT 06053

Free, on-site parking is available.


Foursome: $750.00 
Individual Golfer:
Cost for golfers includes greens fees, golf cart, golfers gifts, lunch, open bar on the course, post-tournament food, and a donation to CIL's mission. 

50/50 Raffle Tickets & Mulligan Tickets (one per golfer) will be for sale cash only at registration.


9:00 - 9:45 a.m. Registration & Light Breakfast

10:00 a.m. Shotgun Start

11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Lunch on the Course

~3:00 p.m. Winners announced, Extra goodies available

Sponsor Today!

Read all about our Sponsorship Opportunities and pledge your support by registering below!

Requested commitment date is May 9, 2025. Please note that sponsorships received after 5/9/2025 may not be guaranteed printed signage at our event. 

We Appreciate Your Support!

Net proceeds support CIL's mission. This includes support for our operations and community-based programs like AccesSolutions, bringing home modifications and special equipment to those who might not be able to afford them otherwise. Improvements include important pieces for accessible living like kitchen modifications, stair & porch lifts and bathroom modifications.



Ready to Tee Off in Paradise? Register to Golf or Sponsor: 

Please consider sponsoring our event! Your contribution will go to our Community Matters Campaign, as described above. Sponsorship benefits are summarized in the table below. 

If you are not interested in sponsoring, please select "No sponsorship, Individual Golfer or Foursome (Please Continue)" from Sponsorship Level dropdown to proceed.

With your sponsorship level, you get 10 golfers and 10 dinner tickets. Please include first and last names for all attendees if you know them.
With your sponsorship level, you get 4 golfers and 4 dinner tickets. Please include first and last names for all attendees if you know them. There are FIVE Home Sponsorships available!
With your sponsorship level, you get 4 golfers and 4 dinner tickets. Please include first and last names for all attendees if you know them.
With your sponsorship level, you get 2 golfers and 2 dinner tickets. Please include first and last names for all attendees if you know them.
Please list first and last names for ALL attendees. 1 foursome = 4 attendees; 2 foursomes = 8 attendees; etc.